5 Ways A Caregiver Can Care For Themselves

Being a caregiver is a truly selfless act. Unfortunately, they will often sacrifice their own physical and mental health to make sure others are taken care of.

Burnout is a very real risk that can be avoided by incorporating self-care into your daily routine. In fact, statistics report staggering data that up to 70% of caregivers suffer from depression.

5 Ways A Caregiver Can Care For Themselves

Here are 5 ways a caregiver can practice self-care for their own health and wellbeing:

  1. Get proper nutrition. Having meals planned out ahead of time reduces the likelihood of skipping meals or eating junk food. This could mean meal prep, meal delivery services, or even a family member/friend preparing a meal here and there. Poor nutrition can cause a myriad of health issues, such as brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, headaches, etc.
  2. Give yourself some alone time. Respite care can help if your loved one needs temporary care. It gives you time to either work, take care of appointments, or to take care of yourself. Don’t sacrifice your own physical and mental health. If you are injured or become clinically depressed, you can’t help your loved one properly.
  3. Get the right amount of sleep. Without the proper amount of sleep, our functioning suffers. In the evenings it can help to have a cup of herbal tea, stay off of devices to avoid blue light at least an hour before bed, read, or listen to relaxing music.
  4. Socialize. Get out amongst others like friends and family. Social isolation can have a dramatic impact on your mental health, such as anxiety and depression.
  5. Use a journal. Sharing feelings of stress or frustration with others is often difficult for caregivers. Instead, writing them down in a journal can provide validation and reduce emotional overwhelm.

Mayberry Gardens offers respite care to allow caregivers the ability to continue working outside the home or to take time for themselves in order to manage their own mental and physical health.  Contact us today to learn more about the care options we offer.


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