6 Tips for Traveling With Someone Who Has Alzheimer’s

Traveling with someone who has Alzheimer’s comes along with a unique set of challenges. You have to be able to adjust your plans so that they can be cared for properly. Here are 6 tips for traveling with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s.

6 Tips for Traveling With Someone Who Has Alzheimer's

Keep Your Documents

Always keep important documents with you. This includes documents detailing their medical history, their prescriptions, and any other relevant information that may be necessary along the way.

Be Able to Identify Them

Keep a picture of them with you at all times in case they get lost and you need to file a report. In addition, make sure they have their ID with them at all times. Better yet, get them a medical bracelet that they can wear with a number to call or even a GPS tracker.

Keep Things Routine

Try to limit routine changes as much as possible. When it comes to people with Alzheimer’s, remember that life can be confusing. If they have something that they like to wear or keep with them for comfort, take it with you. Try to stick to their regular eating and sleeping routine.

Monitor the Situation

Make sure to constantly stay on top of how they are feeling. If you feel like they are not able to keep up with the stresses of travel, consider taking a break or even turning back.

Get Rest

When planning your trip, make sure to plan ahead so that they can get enough rest. Plan some additional time for emergencies and extra rest stops.

Be Realistic

Not everyone with Alzheimer’s will be able to travel. If you need to go somewhere or need to travel often, consider other options, including assisted living. This is a much better alternative to constantly moving them around. For more information, contact us today.


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