Is Your Loved One Ready For A Memory Care Residence?

Is Your Loved One Ready For Memory Care Residence?You want to take care of your aging parent, relative, or loved one, but the effects of dementia can be too much for you to handle on your own. You have a life to lead and you just can’t be with your loved one at all times. If you are a caregiver for a family member with dementia, you might be feeling frustrated about your situation, guilty you are considering other care alternatives, and worried about what to expect from a memory care home. However, moving your loved one to a memory care residence might be the key to a happier, more fulfilling life for both of you. Here are three signs that your loved one and you need to consider a move from your care to a memory care residence:
1. Caregiving is interfering with every other aspect of your life:

How often do you check in on your loved one or worry about how they are doing when you are not there? Has your job, relationship, and/or home life begun to be negatively affected by your caregiving? If you are starting to lose control of your life because you are caring for your loved one, it’s time to consider a memory care home.

2. Total isolation

You want to take your loved one out places, but their dementia makes it difficult to anticipate how they will react to new situations and settings. On the flip side, staying in the house alone all day is causing your loved one to be restless and depressed. If your loved one’s quality of life is drastically diminishing because of their isolation due to dementia or Alzheimer’s, consider a memory care home. In a memory care home, your loved one will be surrounded by peers and will be able to participate in secure group activities with trained professionals who know how to redirect and monitor behavior.

3. Drastic physical changes

Loss of memory can lead patients with dementia to neglect their hygiene, to eat too much because they forgot they have already eaten, or to lose too much weight because they forgot that they need to eat at all. If you are noticing any drastic physical changes in your loved one, it’s time to look at memory care residences. While in a memory care home, your loved one can be taken care of and monitored trained staff who make sure they are keeping up with their personal and oral hygiene. In addition, your loved one will eat nutritious meals.

Mayberry Gardens can even accommodate patients with specific dietary needs so you can rest assured that your loved one is getting the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy and happy.

If your loved one is showing any of these signs or others that indicate that they could benefit from a memory care home, contact us today.

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