Organizational Ideas that Assist With Transition

Moving to an assisted living facility is a big adjustment for our senior family members.  Caregivers want to make the transition as stress-free as possible.  To make the apartment feel familiar and homey, most residents feel better surrounded by their favorite possessions and furniture.  But the transition also involves changes in lifestyle, friends, and daily routine. Being organized and informed is a great way to help loved ones feel empowered and in control.  Below are two organizational ideas families can integrate as they set up the apartment.

Organizational Ideas that Assist With Transition

Digital Wall Clock and Calendar

Socialization programs at assisted living communities are designed to keep seniors active and engaged.  Assisted living communities circulate menus, activity calendars, and special event flyers to keep residents informed. Feeling in control of their schedule will encourage participation.  But keeping track of dates can be challenging for seniors especially those with memory issues.  Help them with a large LED digital wall clock that displays the time, day of the week, and date.  Models with 3-inch tall numbers are available and easy to read. Mount it where residents can refer to it easily and often.

Organize Information in One Convenient Place

As much as the apartment may seem homey and comfortable, it can’t help but be different.  Being unable to find personal items is frustrating and upsetting.  One way to manage important information is to hang a large magnetic whiteboard in a prominent place.  Make it the go-to place for information.

  • Keep track of dining and other standard schedule times
  • Pin menus and activity schedules to it with magnetic buttons
  • Write reminders of special appointments or dates on it.
  • Caregivers can also use it to write reminders to loved ones or staff
  • Create a “shopping list” area for supplies that need to be replenished
  • Clip important papers to it with magnetic clips
  • Hang a floor plan map on the board. Circle key locations like the dining hall and laundry rooms
  • Keep important emergency phone numbers handy
  • Is remembering the names of new people overwhelming. Take a few group photos with their new friends.  Pin the photos to the board with the occupants’ names displayed prominently to help them learn

The sooner seniors feel connected to their new community the better.  Unfortunately, change can be intimidating or even overwhelming.  Help them feel more confident by knowing what to do and when. Knowledge is power. Contact us today for more information!

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