Signs Your Loved One May Need Memory Care

Memory care communities were created to provide support to those who struggle with memory disorders like Alzheimer’s or dementia. Each individual is completely cared for within these communities, making them a great option for families who need help with a loved one. Read on to discover the signs that indicate your loved one may need memory care.

Signs Your Loved One May Need Memory Care

Dramatic Differences in Behavior

Someone experiencing the effects of dementia may show them in their behavior, with drastic changes taking place in their daily lives. In general, the person might become more on edge or agitated. Someone who used to love keeping clean and organized may suddenly live in an environment that’s dirty and in complete disarray.

Loss of a Caregiver

Individuals that develop memory disorders like Alzheimer’s or dementia are often cared for by relatives. If their caregiver passes away, or becomes unable to care of them properly due to illness or injury, it’s likely that the individual will then need memory care. The professionals at the memory care facility can provide 24/7 care and support in the absence of the previous caregiver.

Disorientation and Confusion to the Point of Danger

Those with dementia are much more susceptible to bouts of confusion, to the point of putting themselves and others at risk of harm. If someone with dementia were to wander away from home, they could potentially forget where they are or forget the direction they came from. Additionally, if someone is developing memory issues and they continue to drive, they could forget traffic rules and potentially cause an accident.

A Decline in Physical Health

When someone begins to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s, physical changes are often the first to arrive. If a person suddenly becomes very thin, this can indicate that they haven’t been remembering to eat or potentially taking any necessary medication. Additionally, an increase in incontinence can indicate that a higher level of care is necessary.

If you believe that your loved one needs the support of a memory care community, contact us today! We would love to have Mayberry Gardens be somewhere your loved one can call home.

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