3 Natural Solutions to Improve Memory During Menopause

As women reach menopause, they may feel as if they’re going through a “brain fog.” They’re forgetting names or where they put their car keys. But don’t worry – up to sixty percent of women report memory loss during menopause. While that same study shows that the memory loss is temporary, women suffering from memory loss during menopause can still combat these effects with these natural solutions.

3 Natural Solutions to Improve Memory During Menopause

Exercise. Studies show that exercise benefits not only the body but also the mind. Exercise releases all kind of good chemicals, like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), to help minds stay sharp. It doesn’t matter what exercise – whether it’s walking, swimming, yoga, or working in the garden – as long as the muscles are moving and circulation gets going.

Eat right. A study from Oregon State University shows that eating foods with omega-3 fatty acids help with mental acuity and can prevent the brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s. Two good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon and walnuts. Folic acid has also been associated with helping memory loss; it can be found in most leafy greens, like spinach and kale.

Mind Exercises. Another great way to stave off memory loss is to challenge the mind. Some suggestions include trying crossword puzzles, Sudoku, playing chess with a friend, learning a new language, or reading books. As long as the mind is kept active, any activity can be useful.

Try any of these three methods mentioned to keep yourself or a loved one alert. For more information on improving memory, contact us.

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