How Seniors Can Maintain Health During Cold and Flu Season

It’s essential for seniors to be vigilant about protecting their health during cold and flu season. Although no one can eliminate the risk of becoming ill, you can greatly reduce your risk. Doing what you can to avoid illness is a good first step. Yet, maintaining overall good health requires more than reducing your chances of exposure to illness. Here’s what you need to know.

How Seniors Can Maintain Health During Cold and Flu Season

Strategies for Reducing Risk of Illness

During cold and flu season, experts recommend frequent hand washing, avoiding crowds, and getting a flu shot. The best time to get a flu shot is in early fall before the flu begins spreading widely in the community. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says seniors who get their flu shot too early (in July or August) may find their protection doesn’t last the entire flu season. However, since the CDC also recommends flu shots remain available throughout the flu season, you can get vaccinated during winter if you didn’t get the shot in autumn.

Keeping Overall Health

During the colder months, you may prefer to spend much of your time at home. Yet, being home for long stretches of time can put you at risk for health problems associated with social, physical, and mental inactivity. Despite that fact, there are things you can do to stay healthy.

To start, give yourself things to look forward to. Creating a regular schedule can be helpful in that regard. Plan to be dressed by a set time each morning. You could ask your closest loved ones to schedule a call with you at the same time each day or week.

Eating healthy meals at about the same time each day is a good practice for your physical and mental health. Your schedule should also include sleeping seven to eight hours a night and getting regular exercise. (It’s always a good idea to consult your physician before starting an exercise program.)

Mayberry Gardens offers family-style living for seniors in our special assisted-living residence. Contact us to learn more.

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