Signs Your Beloved Senior is Ready for Assisted Living

Determining the right time when a senior is in need of assisted living is a topic few like to discuss. It’s a very sensitive subject but in order to ensure the safety and care for your loved one, we must recognize the signs to make the decision sure.

Signs Your Beloved Senior is Ready for Assisted Living

Signs it is Time for Assisted Living

Wandering: In later stages of dementia, seniors often begin to wander away from their homes. Seniors with dementia have been found miles away from their homes with little understanding as to where they are or how they got there. If your loved one is wandering, it is essential that they are put in assisted living for their own safety and health.

Aggression: Those with dementia or Alzheimer’s regularly demonstrate physical and verbal aggression as a response to their disease. It is important to not just chalk this sign up to the frustration affiliated with getting older but to recognize it as a more serious illness.

Daily Tasks becoming more difficult: If a senior is experiencing difficulty with everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, and getting out of bed or moving around, it is time for them to receive extra care and attention. Seniors will often still attempt to perform their everyday tasks and could possibly injure themselves in the process.

Escalated Care Needs: Old age entails more health concerns. If a senior is ill with a long-term condition, it is time for assisted living to ensure that the senior receives the proper care to maintain their illness.

Injuries: Seniors are fragile. In an attempt to perform regular tasks, a senior can suffer injuries due to lack of balance, strength, and cognition. It is important that your loved one be placed in assisted living to ensure their safety.

To conclude, aging opens the door for problems not experienced by the younger crowd. Daily tasks become difficult for seniors and they are more susceptible to diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Assisted living is beneficial to seniors and their health.

For more information on seniors and assisted living, please contact us today.

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