Understanding the Difference between Type A and Type B Assisted Living Licenses

Choosing an assisted living facility is a critical decision that involves various factors. Understanding the kind of care that different facilities offer is vital. Assisted living licenses can be categorized into Type A and Type B, each providing different levels of care based on residents’ mobility and autonomy levels. Let’s explore the key differences between a Type A and Type B assisted living license, and how they apply to potential residents at Mayberry Gardens.

Understanding the Difference between Type A and Type B Assisted Living Licenses

What is a Type A Assisted Living License?

A Type A assisted living license is intended for residents who are ambulatory, which means they have the ability to move around, either unassisted or with the help of devices such as walkers or wheelchairs. The defining factor for a Type A license is the resident’s ability to move without the need for constant assistance.

This implies that a resident living in a Type A assisted living home at Mayberry Gardens can confidently use a walker or wheelchair without assistance. The ability to move independently plays a vital role in emergencies as residents must understand and follow instructions to ensure their safety.

What is a Type B Assisted Living License?

On the other hand, a Type B assisted living license caters to residents who are not fully ambulatory and may need assistance moving around, but they cannot be entirely bedfast. This level of license indicates that the resident needs more help, including assistance getting in and out of bed and going to the restroom.

At Mayberry Gardens, our staff is available 24 hours a day to provide support to our Type B residents, ensuring they have the assistance they need when they need it, be it day or night.

How Does This Affect Emergency Situations?

In emergency situations, the difference between these two licenses becomes evident. Type A residents, due to their ability to ambulate independently, can respond and follow directions in the event of an emergency. However, Type B residents would require staff assistance during emergencies due to their limited mobility.

How Do We Cater to Both Types at Mayberry Gardens?

At Mayberry Gardens, we believe in providing personalized care that respects our residents’ autonomy while ensuring they receive the assistance they need. We ensure that our residents in both Type A and Type B homes live comfortably and safely.

For Type A residents, our homes are equipped to allow easy movement for those using walkers or wheelchairs, ensuring they can live independently while still receiving the benefits of assisted living.

For Type B residents, our staff is trained to provide the assistance needed, ensuring our residents are cared for day and night, and have the support they need during emergencies.

Final Thoughts

Choosing between a Type A and Type B assisted living home largely depends on the potential resident’s level of mobility and autonomy. At Mayberry Gardens, we’re here to provide you with the information and guidance you need to make this important decision. Regardless of the type of license, our commitment to our residents remains the same: to provide a comfortable, safe, and supportive environment for all. Contact us today for more information!

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