Finding Your Perfect Fit at Mayberry Gardens: Potential Residents

Choosing the right assisted living facility is a major decision, affecting the quality of life for you or your loved one. At Mayberry Gardens, we offer two different home types designed to meet varying levels of mobility and independence. Understanding the essential criteria for each can help ensure you find the perfect fit.

Finding Your Perfect Fit at Mayberry Gardens: Potential Residents

Type A Homes: For the Independent Spirit

Our Type A homes are designed for residents who maintain a degree of independence. There are two main criteria a potential resident must meet to qualify for these homes.

Firstly, residents must be ambulatory. This means that they need to be capable of moving around on their own. We understand that many of our residents may require the assistance of devices such as walkers or wheelchairs. However, to qualify for our Type A homes, residents must be capable of using these devices unassisted.

The second criteria involves emergency situations. Residents in our Type A homes must be able to understand and follow directions in the event of an emergency. This requirement ensures the safety of our residents and enables our staff to efficiently manage any potential crisis.

Type B Homes: Assistance When You Need It

Our Type B homes cater to residents who need more assistance with their daily routines. However, unlike many assisted living facilities, we do not accept bedfast residents. Our Type B homes strike a balance between providing assistance and encouraging movement and activity among our residents.

At Mayberry Gardens, we have a team of dedicated staff available 24 hours a day to assist our Type B residents. This includes help with getting in and out of bed and going to the restroom. Our aim is to offer a supportive environment that combines the right level of assistance with the dignity and respect our residents deserve.

Choosing the Right Home at Mayberry Gardens

At Mayberry Gardens, we believe in providing a supportive and nurturing environment tailored to the unique needs of our residents. By defining clear criteria for our Type A and Type B homes, we can ensure that all our residents receive the appropriate level of care and assistance they need to lead a fulfilling and comfortable life.

If you or your loved one meet these criteria and are seeking a caring and welcoming assisted living community, we would be delighted to have you as part of our Mayberry Gardens family. Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards a life of comfort, dignity, and peace at Mayberry Gardens.

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