Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Though many say that they become more forgetful as they get older, it is important to watch your aging family members for signs of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The earlier that you catch the disease, the better off your loved one will be.

Here are some early warning signs that you need to watch out for.

Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Short-term memory loss

Though many forget where they put their keys or call everyone by the wrong name, it doesn’t mean that you are facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. However, it is important to see what they are forgetting. Most Alzheimer patients lose their short-term memory. This means that they can’t remember things that they learned recently. They may have no trouble remembering fun times in the past, but they may struggle with remembering what they did last week.

Poor Judgement 

You also need to watch their decision-making abilities. Someone who carefully watched their money all of their life may start wasting it on things that aren’t important. They may have always thought everything through but now they are taking risks.

However, poor judgments aren’t always big. Even smaller things may show you that they aren’t doing well. It may also be as simple as not dressing appropriately for the weather outside. They may forget their coat in the winter, even though they are freezing.


Many notice their loved ones withdrawing from them. They may start to avoid family gatherings because they are scared of the questions that they might get. They might be embarrassed that they can’t remember names and situations as well as they used to. They may avoid spending time with their friends for the same reasons.

Depression and Mood swings

Many seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s become depressed. They even stop doing activities that they once loved and enjoyed. Whether it becomes too hard for them or they just can’t be bothered, this is a warning sign that shouldn’t be ignored.

They may also get moody and struggle with mood swings. They may become quick to react in anger. They may startle easily. They may become fearful and anxious about change. They may become frustrated or irrational over little things that shouldn’t be a big deal. Many don’t want to leave the house because they get worried about what will happen when they do.

If you are worried about your senior parents or relatives (or even friends), don’t hesitate to get help. The sooner that you do so, the better off they will be. This is true even if they get mad at you! It will be worth it to keep them around longer. So, make sure that you watch them closely. If they start acting confused and forgetful with their short-term memory, it may be time to see someone. Don’t wait until they become withdrawn and depressed.  Don’t hesitate to contact us today for more help.

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